
First Thing Americans Do After Work? Get Naked.

  Question: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you love wearing a suit? Or a pair of pointy shoes? How about super tight pants? If you said, “Zero,” or, “Not at all,” or, “What the hell […]

Don’t Let Rainy Days And Mondays Blog You Down | A Yelp Eat24 Gif Party

The start of the week. Rainy days. That cold feeling when you first get out of bed. These are a few of our least favorite things. Here’s a few gifs to distract from the otherwise droll day. And remember to […]

Ask Yelp Eat24: Advice for Tater Tot Lovers

Send us your questions about love, life, and pizza toppings. We’ll draw diagrams if necessary.   Dear Yelp Eat24, My girlfriend is acting distant lately. When I ask if she wants to order chicken tikka masala she says “Uh, sure.” […]