To Monday or not to Monday, that is the question. Whether tis’ more appealing to suffer the slings and arrows that the day will inevitably throw at you, or by opposing them, sleep in. To dream…to sleep… no more. Without […]
Tag: science
Rules For A Monday | An Eat24 Gif Party
Wake up on the right side of the bed. Lather, rinse, repeat. Brush your teeth at a 45 degree angle for 2 minutes. Don’t drink orange juice after brushing your teeth. Eat a bran muffin to help digestion. Live, laugh, […]
A Gif Party To Get Through This Day
Hello and welcome back to our Easy Breezy Monday Funday Yelp Eat24 Gif Party Extravaganza! Ok, well, it’s not as exciting as a forth quarter comeback and overtime victory (SPORTS!) but it can help take away some of that Monday […]
MONDAY! MONDAY! MONDAY! It’s The Yelp Eat24 Gif Party.
Hello everyone and welcome to the roughest, toughest day of the week. The day that makes you question your life decisions. MONDAY! The day where your lunch is most likely to be a salad. MONDAY!!! The day that begins with a […]
Science Says Pizza Makes People Want to Have Sex
Science has finally confirmed what everyone else knew all along: Pizza makes people feel sexy. We did some research (ok, we made Dave from Accounting and a few other nerds do it) and talked to 2,000 people about how […]
Dancing Cookies And More Gifs To Make Today OK
Hello everybody and welcome to this week’s episode of the ultra-fun, super-fantastic, wondrously-awesome .gif party. Now it’s time to sit back, remove those leg prisons (pants), imagine yourself bathing in a chocolate fountain, and enjoy the ride. Don’t forget to hit […]