Anyone that knows us knows that we love three things. Unicorns, not wearing pants, and our munchies. Luckily for us, and the rest of Eat24’s #NoPantsNation, there’s a national holiday coming up that just happens to fall on a Saturday […]
Author: nadi2003
Top 10 Portable Foods
If you’re like us, and by us we mean an incredibly good-looking bacon lover, then you’re always on the go. This on-demand lifestyle means everything we do must be portable. With smart phones, tablets, and other portable devices, you’re never […]
10 Reasons Why Eat24’s New Office Is Awesome
We love our new office. It’s not that our old office wasn’t cool; it’s just that there were only 12 taquerias that offered food delivery (and we all know 15 is the ideal amount of taco stands). Our new office is […]
Weekend Coupon: Movin’ On Up
Moving sale. Everything must go. Exciting news: we outgrew our office pants (If you think about it, an office is like pants for your business. Usually we frown on the wearing of pants, but it turns out weather isn’t really […]
Eat24 Swags Out SXSW
Wow. We just got back from SXSW in Austin and did we have a party. Besides ordering food online for all the SXSWers, we partied, we smoked and of course we ate. It was a great way to meet awesome, […]
Ketchup On This Week’s Contest
There’s nothing scarier than ordering food delivery online and then forgetting where you put the ketchup. This terrifying insight inspired us to ask our Facebook fans to caption this picture from an obvious Eat24 fanatic. Almost 500 people had something […]
Your Weekend Coupon Plus A Contest For Free Food
Enjoy Food, Get more food for Free (Yes, Really) If you already downloaded the Eat24 app, we know three things about you: 1) you’re a genius, 2) you’re sexy 3) you know our app is full of photos of people enjoying […]
Give Us Your “E” Face For Our Shiny New iPad App
It’s late. You’re tired. There’s no way you’re cooking tonight. Sounds like the perfect time to order food online from Eat24. Like a beam of light busting through a sad, cloudy night, the splash page of our app greets you. […]
What’s Your Secret Sauce Name?
There’s nothing better than ordering food delivery online and getting a full plate of steaming hot garlic infused breadsticks with a selection of crazy dipping sauces. Or how about a 50 piece nuggets with a dozen open and waiting sauces […]
Weekend Coupon: Bacon Dragons or Something
Can You Beliebe This? We’d love to fill this week’s VIP with unicorns. Or dinosaurs. Or bacon dinosaurs riding a unicorn with magic Sriracha breath, but frankly there’s too much going on. If you’re like us you’re still searching for […]
Weekend Coupon: Oscar Subs and Flubs
Spoiler Alert. We have an inside source at the Oscar’s this year (what can we say, Seth MacFarlane’s a sucker for deep fried burritos) and we already know the winners. So just go head and skip right to the coupon […]
Weekly Coupon: The of Food
Get some tonight. Well, it happened again. Whether you called it Valentine’s Day, Single Awareness Day, or Thursday, we can all agree that it wasn’t nearly as fun as all-you-can-eat taco night. But we’re here to help. Plenty of websites […]
15 Foods That Get You In The Mood
It’s the most romantic time of year, or the time we’re most aware that we might have one too many cats, and as always we want to help you be as romantic as possible. Even if you’re not really into […]
Weekend Coupon: Chat Support Superheroes
What if you could text your pizza? You just tapped “Submit” and are now eagerly awaiting that sweet doorbell ring (like choirs of angels). BUT WAIT. You forgot to mention that your buzzer is hidden behind a garden hedge shaped […]
Super Bowl Bingo Update
Well. That’s it. No more football until Fall. But don’t worry; if you need an excuse to order food online for Sundays, The Walking Dead will be back this week. Mmmm. Nothing like ribs to go with some zombies. […]
Weekend Coupon: Super Bowl Rules
Happy Thanksgiving of Sports The Super Bowl is a nationwide celebration of the things we do best: eat, drink, and smash things. It’s kind of a big deal. So if you’re hosting a party this Sunday and feeling a little performance anxiety, […]
Super Bowl Bingo
The Super Bowl (or Sports Thanksgiving) is a National Holiday in this beautiful country, and for good reason. It has something everyone can love, from checking out football player bums, to commercials with talking babies, to aging rock stars belting […]
VIP Coupon: Hundred Dollar Bills Y’all (and Free Food)
Make it Rain Some people collect comic books, some collect antique cars, and some collect tuxedos made of old AOL CDs (Hey, don’t judge. Everyone has their thing). Eat24 is collecting Likes. And we found a special place where you […]
10 Foods That Are Delicious No Matter How You Say It
Imagine this. You’re out to dinner with some friends. You see some awesome new dish with some weird new ingredient you’ve read about on your food blog (you’re pretty cultured after all). You’re dying to try it, but you have […]
Weekend VIP: Free Hanger Management
Hangry? What the @#$% is a Fiscal Cliff and can we throw the word “Manscaping” off of it? Also why does “@#$%” always auto-correct to “duck,” and why isn’t the Lincoln movie in 3D!? Sorry. That was the hunger talking.Do […]