You ever feel beat down, rung out, failing at basic life? Well, you’re not alone. What we want to offer you, is a collection of people doing it way worse. That’s right, if Monday was a feeling it would be failure. Feel better with this collection of gifs. After watching these, you will most likely feel a ton better about your life.
“Through adversity we find strength”
And as always, don’t forget to press play.
Just straight in…
Touchdown hole in one goal unit!!
Sweet Trick Brah!
Top 10 reasons to get a unicycle…wait.
Our Spirit Animal.
Hey, it’s Monday!
Prize Winning Hit.
Spiderman in training.
5/7 for the effort.
Friends stick together.
Parkour at its finest.
Step 1.) Look at slow cooker Step 2.) Watch out!!!!
See you next year, and we’re out.