Breaking News Alert: Your love for Chinese food has destroyed our inbox. Well, sort of. A few weeks back we realized that even though we email you and our closest million friends every week, no one writes back. Naturally, we decided to drop a not-too-subtle hint in our VIP email. You know, just to let everyone know we missed the sound of their keystrokes.

Clearly we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. Well, ok, we kinda sorta had some idea, but we didn’t think our inbox was going to choke on a mozzarella stick part way through the day. In just a few short hours we had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of replies. Our inbox struggled to hold all of the amazingness.

Some of you wrote just to say hi (Hey girl heeeeey), some of you wrote to let us know you were planning to order delivery soon, and some of you wrote to thank us for letting you stay pantsless. It was awesome. Because you guys are awesome. Point being: it was too good not to share, so we’ve collected our favs below for your LOLing, Aww-ing, and general viewing pleasure.
Inspiring Messages:


Dance Moves:

And in case you had the same question, here’s our response…

And of course, a little bit of trolling:

Naturally we responded with:

TL;DR you guys made us feel like that waffle: warm and gooey and sexy as hell. And also, we love you and are so glad we’re the lucky app that gets to feed you.
Aww. I know I’ve been M.I.A… But I thought you understood that my silence didn’t meant I don’t love you because I’m in love with you, eat24. I work a lot so I can guarantee that I can keep our relationship going. But I’m appalled at the mass of people I have to share you with. Me + eat 24 needs our own 24hr private chat, both for my laughing pleasure and my hunger satisfaction. 😀
Awww Sheryl. You know we love you like a six layer burrito. We took your silence as a sign you needed some time alone (you probably ordered a very large pizza you didn’t want to share). We respect that. But never think we love you any less. You along with the several other thousand people in our lives are our soulmates. The french fry to our burger, the sriracha to our chow mein. Without you, we’re nothing.
Love forever,
The humor behind the texts gets me everytime. Made My work day for sure.
I need a coupon code I’ve already used Jumbo and Cloud24
Try out code “jumbo” and next time ask us on Twitter or Instagram and we’ll get to you much faster 😉
eat24 I want to bring you to Raleigh, NC. NOW. HOW? @neeshamirchi if you want help. If I say how good your writing is (Grade A Sushi, I say), it may go to your head…. but seriously, reading your blog is like… therapy to jaded marketing peoples. Who writes this damn thing? Are you ever going to share?
We’ll send you an email with how to make Raleigh more delicious 😉
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