Eat24 Gets Their Amazon Wishlist

Guys! You shouldn’t have. You’ve made us feel like we’re Prom Queen/Football Hero/Oscar Winner/Gold Medal Burrito Champion/ all rolled into one. If we had to put how we feel on paper, it would probably look like this.Cat's screaming make us crave tacos.

What could have caused all this excitement? Let’s catch you up. See a while back, we sent out this email:

Dat hat tho...

So we actually did make an Amazon Wishlist full of things that we love. Bacon themed toys, hot sauce clothing, Star Wars chopsticks; you know things a food app with style needs around the office. We figured we’d make a few people laugh if we were lucky, but no one would actually buy us anything off of the list.


But if they did, please let it be this.

Turns out we have some super fans who actually bought us quite a few dream items from our magical list.

Two of these things taste delicious together. Hint it's not socks.

Yup. The spiciest, coolest, amount of SWAG ever.

Now thanks to our awesome fans we can do things like this:

Enjoy Spicy Snacks on the Reg.

Needs some Code Red Mnt Dew

Become the hardest working chicken in the coop. 


Pretend to be Honey Bunny and reenact our favorite diner scene in Pulp Fiction.

Stay cool Honey Bunny.

Make sure our legs always have the perfect amount of spice.

Could use some won-tons

And of course mustache parties.

Swag + Mustache= Swagstache

Anyone who bought us something super special on our list was rewarded with mad food love in their Eat24 account. Because one good deed deserves extra bacon.

To all of you, our deepest thank you. You? You rule.

You love us, you really love us!


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