Eat24 Celebrates the Stoniest Time of the Year

For some reason, April 20th is one of our busiest days here at Eat24. Maybe it’s the weather, or the sight of all those winter outfits being shed for something more revealing, but there’s definitely something green in the air this time of year. Since we know that people love us on 4/20, we set up a contest to celebrate the country’s favorite unofficial holiday, Danksgiving.

We started out small, making little changes around our site. Like changing our logo to something a little greener.

We also rewarded our loyal customer base with a coupon to save on their favorite munchies.

Finally we set up a contest asking for your best munchies picture for a chance to win free food, some sweet Eat24 Swag, and one of our favorite things, a Pax Ploom vaporizer.

After a few days, the munchies came tumbling through, in all shapes and sizes. AFter a few hours of drooling through the munchie pics and tabulating the votes, we came to our winner.

Our Grand Prize Winner all wrapped up: @sarnold2245

It was a hard decision because we had so many other great entries. Take a look at some of our favorites.

Sushi and a JointCleavage and sushi

Sexy Sushi

Cheesesteak and basket fries

Thanks to all you wonderful munch heads that took part of our contest. Make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook so you can take part in our next contest.

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