Here at Yelp Eat24, we get tons of questions from our users every day, like “What’s your spirit animal?” and “How many different types of meat do you usually get in your burrito?” and of course “Are you an app or are you actually a highly intelligent calzone?” But the question we get asked the most is, “How can I work for you?” Well first, we suggest you live in either the San Francisco Bay Area or the Scottsdale area (yup, it’s true…we’re open for business in Arizona). Oh, and put in an application right here. Then, we suggest you read this list full of pretty much everything you need to know in order to ace your interview with Yelp Eat24.
1. Dress Appropriately
Like most job interviews, first impressions are everything. If you walk into your interview dressed as a taco, you’ve already taken a step in the right direction.

2. Be Ready For Anything
Working at Yelp Eat24 means being prepared for anything and everything. Can you handle an impromptu cheeseburger party without succumbing to meat sweats? Are your Cabbage Patch skills up to date in case we need help with an epic dance battle? Can you perfectly stack a BLT under pressure?
Oh, also, you should probably bring a copy of your resume and have some follow up questions ready for us, blah, blah, blah.

3. Be On Time
We know this seems pretty obvious, but you should always show up 15 minutes before your scheduled interview. In fact, a recent study showed if you show up 16 ½ minutes early, your chances of being hired go up by 43.6%. That study was conducted by a cat… a cat that’s always on time. We’ll let that sink in.

4. Provide Examples
While we think your Master’s Degree in Dodge Ball is impressive, we want to get to know the real you.
How many times have you eaten yourself into a food coma, but still had the energy to binge watch season 4 of Home Improvement?
Tell us about the time you were confident enough to order 3 large fries, 2 onion rings and one jalapeño popper for the entire table, while simultaneously figuring out that each person owed exactly $6.50.
Indulge us in the touching memory of when you ate 3 ½ pints of ice cream, passed out, woke up, and finished that last 1/2 pint because Momma didn’t raise a quitter.

5. Bring Snacks
Look, interviews can be long. With all the waiting, hand-shaking, nodding while smiling, and question answering, it can be hard to focus. For you, for us, for everyone. Snacks help, and while we don’t encourage bribery, a few extra tater tots in your pocket definitely won’t hurt.

6. Be Well-Equipped
As we’ve mentioned, here at Yelp Eat24 you need to be prepared for anything. Will your interview be in the secret Labyrinth of Yelp? Or will it be in an air-conditioned room on a comfy couch on the 6th floor? Most likely it’ll be the latter, but you never know. Bring nunchucks (preferably made out of sausages). Bring extra chopsticks. Bring an iPod Nano filled only with Beyoncé’s hit singles. Bring soy sauce, a rodeo clown, a rodeo clown outfit, those weird squishy toxic water things from your childhood, a Blue Turtleshell from Mario Kart… We could go on. But bring nachos.

7. Be Well-Dressed
Oh whoops did we mention this already? I guess this has already been adDRESSed. Sorry, but no matter what anyone says, puns are important.

8. Be Yourself
And by being yourself, we really mean be a dinosaur. Seriously, are you a dinosaur reading this article? Because if you are, welcome to Yelp Eat24! We’re happy to have you on the team.

So let’s recap:
- Dress Appropriately.
- Be Prepared.
- Be on Time.
- Provide Examples.
- Bring Snacks (important).
- Be well Equipped.
- Make a Pun.
- Ignore 1-7 and just be a Dinosaur.
Now you have all the knowledge, resources, and tips necessary to totally nail your interview with Yelp Eat24. So what are you waiting for? Bring that dino-booty over here and work for us already.
Apply Now
Open an Eat24 outpost here in Las Vegas, we would love to work for you
Laid back interview with Oscar. Darn it, i forgot the snacks!