Weekend Coupon: It’s Fall Y’all

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Autumn. Say What?!
So why does fall sometimes call herself autumn? Is it to make her seem less annoying and more fancy? Like by calling herself autumn, we’ll forget that she got super drunk at the Christmas party and totally made out with spring? And how come she is the only season with two names? We don’t call spring “flowertime,” or winter “frozone.”While we contact the Weather Channel to ask these important questions, how about you enjoy a free autumn roll* with your next order from Eat24.
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* Alert: Fall is threatening your swag. Summer is all about late night foam parties, skinny dipping and finding sand in weird places. Then fall is all like “oh, did you like those sexy tan lines? Well too bad. Trade that thong in for long johns, and kiss beach volleyball goodbye. Your days of making out under the boardwalk are over.” Thanks a lot, fall. You’re a real jerk. Now let’s go over the fine print. You have to be an Eat24 member to use the $3 Coupon code. But don’t get your scarf all tangled up; signing up is faster than your tan lines fading. You can only use coupons at restaurants that accept Coupon Codes (relax, there are over 20,000 of them) and pay with a Credit card or PayPal. Please don’t try to be clever and just order a water. You need to order at least $10 worth of food to use the code. Finally, the Coupon can only be used once and will expire the 14th of October at Midnight PST. All right, we’re going to go rake up a bunch of leaves, make a pile and then shove them in autumn’s face.


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