A Shout Out to Our Awesome Customers

We promised, and now we’re going to deliver (GET IT!!!!???). In our last weekly email, we said we’d give a special, custom-made shout-out to anyone who asked us nicely. Well, here it is. 

If your name isn’t listed here, don’t worry. We have something special planned, and we highly recommend you keep an eye on @EAT24’s Twitter this week 😉

To anyone else who feels left out, of course we love you too. Here’s a picture of sizzling bacon to comfort you.

This is bacon cooking and it makes us drool


Since @adoseofjen got jealous of those curly fries we decided to give her some potato chips that are all hers.

A yummy, salty shout-out

Um, No.

So Suri Cruise (AKA @realsuricruise) wants the dish and we’re here to dish about Tacos. Tacos totally hooked up with Refried Beans (even though everyone knows that he’s been with everyone twice) and then feeling bad about herself, she binged on Margaritas and like totally flirted with Fajitas. Fajita is so steamy, but a tease, so of course it went nowhere, and then who does Taco turn to? Of course Tamale, who has been nothing but totally rude to Taco. Although, we talked to them both over dinner and they seem happy, but who knows because Tamale was definitely eyeing a plate of Enchiladas Mole at the next table. Don’t tell anyone who told you though OK?

Otis Howard McNutt

One thing you should know about @SavantiRomero is that his moustache is there to protect him from chicken grinders. It touched us so much that we wrote a tribute to his fabulous facial hair.

An Ode to Otis Howard McNutt’s Incredible Moustache
url Never, ever has there been a moustache as majestic as Otis’s. He once fought off an entire army that was trying to steal his cheddar cheese grinder, just by looking menacingly and stroking his moustache. Otis doesn’t shave his moustache. His moustache shaves Otis. The world would be a better place if instead of hipster beards and fedoras, the world was full of more Otises and moustaches. To all you beautiful people out there, but especially to Otis and his Flavor Savor, cheers.

Sarah Matista 

Sarah is a freelance photographer so we have a proposition for her. We give her a shoutout in the form of a fairly decent (AKA horrible) Haiku, and she sends us a few pics of tacos (or similarly delicious items). Deal?

Sarah loves our app.

Chicken tikka masala.

Haiku’s are silly.

The ball’s in your court Sarah. Haiku for pix or nah?

Jordan Uhl

Jordan’s Twitter bio states “I Love Peanut Butter” so we wrote a short love story for him.

“To Tame A Wild Skippy”
romance_PB It was a warm summer night. Jordan, alone in his heart and his belly, wandered through the kitchen. Upon opening the fridge, his heart broke. Alas, there was nothing besides a few scraps of Cantaloupe and some very old Chinese leftovers. On the verge of a breakdown he dramatically flung open the cupboard. A pang of fear set in when he realized the can of chili he found there belonged to his roommate. Tears filled Jordan’s eyes. But then, he saw her… peeking out from behind the Saltines. She was creamy. She was nutty. She was all his. And ever since that fateful day, they’ve been stuck together in love.

Jen Pratka

You know what we love about Jen Pratka? Besides the fact that she once challenged someone to a mozzarella stick eating contest and won, she also loves Brand New, and still rocks her MySpace page. We’re definitely not a bad hubby, but we are wondering when we should break the news that we got married to Yelp?



So, in honor of JC and his love of kittens and breakfast pastries…



Astweird’s Twitter bio just says, “Wanna buy me tacos?” To that we say, yes. We do want to buy you some tacos Astrid. So, if you’re reading this, email [email protected] and we’ll hook you up with tacos.

Kat Garcia


Some slam poetry we made in honor of Kat and her Kat life.

Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. We got lot’s of cheese.

Kat. Kat. Kat. She don’t need to ask please.

Cheddar. Havarti. Gouda. Swiss.

Jack. Parm. Feta. There’s not one she’ll miss.

Touch her cheese and she’ll melt you like brie.

Like Kat says, “I didn’t choose the kat life, it chose me.”

(Drops mic.)


We might not know much about her, but we do know she’ll love this. cat_burrito Dan Ellis  

We almost didn’t give Dan a shoutout because on April 20th he tweeted:

But he does love nachos so… Shout out to Dan! Shout out to melted cheese too.

Paige Hutsell

Paige is new to Twitter, but she thinks we’re cool so as promised, Paige is officially the 1st Paige in Paige history to get an EAT24 shout-out. Let us all celebrate with this .gif of bears waving.

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Zoey Berman

We totally were going to make Zoey24 a code, but then we found out her Twitter handle is named after a vegetable. Sigh, we still love you though because these fried little morsels exist. 0068058-03_Neelys-Fried-Zucchini_s4x3.jpg.rend.sni12col.landscape

Eddie Labauve  

Eddie didn’t want his own shoutout. Instead he asked for a shout-out to his lovely wife, Janette. So Janette, you got yourself a keeper. You may even want to share your fries with that one.


Want a shout-out of your own? Just tweet us @Eat24 and we’ll be sure to shower you with love and admiration (or just coupon codes if you’d prefer those).

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4 thoughts on “A Shout Out to Our Awesome Customers”

  1. We used your service once. Food actually arrived! We ate it! We like your tweets even more than the food, and we like your newsletters even more than your Tweets! So we print them out and eat them. Fiber!

  2. I’m not on twitter, but I want a shout out damn it….Yes, that’s my best effort of pouting and being somewhat demanding. Good thing is, I just ordered eat24, and it should satisfy my hanger.

  3. SHOUT OUT TO Always-right-somtimes!!! You are amazing. Everyone loves you, ESPECIALLY US!!!! Enjoy. 🙂

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