It’s late. You’re tired. There’s no way you’re cooking tonight. Sounds like the perfect time to order food online from Eat24. Like a beam of light busting through a sad, cloudy night, the splash page of our app greets you.
So much Enjoy.
If you already downloaded our kick ass app (and if not, WHY DON’T YOU?), you’re probably pretty familiar with all these photos of happy, pretty people enjoying food. Well, this gave us an idea. Rather than pay some unknown stock photo creeper, we’d much rather have our gorgeous customers make up the splash page on our brand new iPad app.
Here’s the deal. The first 100 people to show us a pic of their best Enjoy Face get a $10 Coupon Code. You heard us, $10*. Just order from Eat24, take a picture of yourself eating, and share it in a tweet to @Eat24 with hashtag #enjoyface, or just post it on our Facebook wall (Don’t do Facebook or Twitter? That’s cool. You can find us on Tumblr and Instagram too) to score free food on us and have a chance to be immortalized in HD glory on our sexy new iPad app (even sexier with your face on it).
And here’s the kicker. If we choose your photo we’ll give you an even bigger coupon, so make sure those pictures show off your very best Enjoy Face.
*Fine Print: Only one coupon will be given per customer (so no trying to put on a fake mustache to try to enter again). You have to be an Eat24 member to use the Coupon code. (Chill. It’s not like joining the Illuminati, or anything. It takes about two seconds.) OK, more rules: You can only use Coupon codes at…wait for it….wait for it…restaurants that accept CashCoupons. (There are about 20,000 of them. Again, chill.) and pay with Credit Card or PayPal. The value of the coupon is applied when you complete an order of $10 or more. Apparently, this is some sort of problem, people ordering under $10 worth of food. What do they order? A can of soda? They can’t get up and get a soda? Wow. That is ninja-level laziness. Now, you know we respect that, but we still have to tell you the coupon won’t work. (Rules, brah. Just another example of The Man, trying to keep you down. Our advice is to order a bunch of dessert. It always comes in handy.) OK, last rule: You can only use the code once, duh. And it expires on March 18th at midnight PST unless stated otherwise. There. That’s it. You’re done. Probably worked up an appetite reading this, didn’t you? That was our evil genius plan all along.