A Video of Your Dog = A $10 Coupon for Eat24


Big news! We made a new commercial… 

And now it’s pretty much official. Eat24 is the #1 food delivery app for dogs across the country. And no, it’s not because we started delivering bones. It’s because apparently dogs/cats/hamsters are really into the commercial. Seriously, if you have pets, it’s highly likely they’re watching our ad on repeat while you’re at work.  


The thing is, our bosses don’t believe us. They think Eat24 is only for pizza/taco/ramen lovers. So, we need your help. We’re giving out a $10 coupon* (for use on any order over $20) to everyone who sends us a video of their pet watching our animal commercial. Like this person did:

And this person did:

That’s it. Just submit** a short video of Fido watching the commercial above = a $10 coupon for burritos, egg rolls, or whatever your heart desires. You can put it on YouTube or post it on Twitter/Instagram and tag us @Eat24 or simply email it to [email protected] if you’re feeling shy.

We can’t wait to show our bosses just how cool we are among the furry, four-legged demographic. Thanks ahead of time and happy videoing!

*Wondering about the strings attached to the coupon? Our lawyers would like you to know: Only one entry per customer and/or pet (sorry, no plush toys ). The $10 coupon expires on Thursday, December 31st 2015 at 11:59PM PST. You must be an Eat24 member to use our code, which can only be used once on orders of $20 or more when paying with Credit Card, Apple Pay, Google Wallet, or PayPal. The coupon is valid only on Eat24.com or the Eat24 app.
**BTdubs, we only want to use these videos for good and have no plans of world domination via a secret language only dogs can understand, but our lawyers insist we tell you: By sending us a video, you will be granting Eat24 a worldwide, irrevocable license to use and display the video for promotional purposes, which means that we (the lovely people of Eat24) can edit/remix/modify/pour some sugar on it and put it on the Internet or TV for no compensation other than the coupon code and the knowledge that you and your pet are awesome. Most importantly, you agree to let us refer to your pet as “adorbs” as much as we want.

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