What do you call someone with egg rolls in their ears? Anything you want, they can’t hear you. #Sorry
A few weeks ago, we asked a lot from our tweeters/readers. We asked for jokes (funny ones). And you sent them. From the amazing to the meh, we heard you. Here is the absolute best of the best of the best, the extra cheese on our pizza, a swift kick to our funny bone… you get the point… Enjoy!
Well, that was fun! We laughed, we cried (mostly from the burning hot sauce we put on our chicken wings). Thanks to everyone who wrote these jokes. And to everyone who read them, you’re welcome (and we’re sorry).
If you’re still reading this and you have a few jokes up your sleeve (or in your vest pocket), we’re always listening on Twitter @Eat24. If reading this made you hungry, then be sure to download our joke-telling (and food delivering) app, but only if you promise to order something delicious.
You’re the extra cheese on our pizza.
What’s up with some usage rewards , other then the one time coupon!
You can use code “zombeet” any time this month. All you ever have to do is ask 😉