This week’s Friday email has a special guest. Here to tell you about life as a potato (and give you a coupon) is the official mascot of the 2016 Ughlympics, Potato Sam:
Hot Potato, everyone! Just like you, I put my potato skins on one fry at a time. I’m not a complex carbohydrate (although technically I am), I just like sports, living underground, and winding down with a good book like Harry Potater & The Half-Boiled Prince.
I know you’re only here for those coupons, so here are some big red letters you can put into your Eat24 machine (by which I mean app) to get a few dollars* off your dinner.
Coupon code: sam24
Need another coupon? Just Tweet this: “Hi @Eat24. I’m only tweeting for another coupon and because Potato Sam is cute. #Ad #Ughlympics”
You’re the hash to my browns.
Potato Sam (Eat24)
* “Who am I?” A Fine Print Essay by Potato Sam. I am a potato with dreams (mostly sour cream related). Do I avoid baths out of fear of getting boiled? Sure. Do I wish there wasn’t a dance called the mashed potato? Of course. But I love life, and I love the arts. My favorite movies are Chip Chip Bang Bang, Julienne Julienne, and the classic Baked & Confused. But above all, I like long walks on the farm, getting in touch with my roots and reading Eat24 fine print: This $2 coupon expires on Sunday, August 14th at 11:59PM PST. You must have a Eat24 account to use our code, which can only be used once on orders with a subtotal of $10 or more when paying with Credit Card, Apple Pay, Android Pay, or PayPal. The coupon is valid only on or the Eat24 app. That’s all from me. Happy weekend everybody. Au revoir and au gratin!