Reading is fun. At least that’s what our grade school teachers told us. If you ask us, we’d rather read a cookbook than some story about a giant whale. Even though we aren’t the biggest readers, we know that a lot of you beautiful people love to read. So to make it easier for you to curl up in front of your fire, grab a book (or electric book) and relax with your favorite food, we created an app on Kindle Fire. Now when you get hungry reading about Turkish Delight in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe or Toasted Almond Cake in Great Expectations you can order up some tasty yums to satisfy your mind hunger. Because even though reading feeds your imagination, we feed your stomach.
In celebration of our Kindle Fire app, enjoy these 10 Novels Turned Cookbooks:
10. Something Whipped This Way Comes
9. The Secret Garden Salad
8. One Flew Over the CousCous Nest
7. Lord of the Fries
6. Animal Cracker Farm
5. The Cadbury Egg Tales
4. Harry Potter and the Order of the French Fries
3. Don Quinoa de la Mancha
2. Olive Tapenade Twist
1. Taquito Mockingbird
Happy reading and eating.