End Mooching. Win $200 of Food from Eat24

Moochers are the worst

Did you know that the average American loses $27,000 a year because of moochers? Ok, we can’t actually back that up with facts, but it really feels that way sometimes, doesn’t it?

We all know a moocher. That one friend who “only ordered fries.” That guy who “forgot” his wallet. That girl who paid for one spring roll but ate all of your pad thai.

Split the Check

Source http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmrosenfeld/

Are you tired of dealing with freeloading friends? We feel you.

Eat24’s new Split the Check feature allows you to divide any order fairly. No guessing, no advanced math, no excuses. Everyone pays for exactly what they ordered.

It just might end mooching forever.

What’s in it for you?

chicken wings trophy

Chicken wings, and money. For real.

Help us spread the word by entering our Split the Check game on Facebook and you could win $200* of food from Eat24. AND we’ll give you free wings* just for playing. Repeat: FREE WINGS. It’s like a participation trophy that you can eat.

If nothing else, your friends will now know about Split the Check, so the next time you crazy kids order from Eat24, everyone only pays for what they order. It’s a win-win-win.

So let’s review:

  • Split the Check
  • Eat free wings
  • Win $200

  • Sounds like a pretty good plan, huh? Whadya say?

    *Oh, you followed that little star, did you? Well let’s get on with the fine print then. The winners will be announced on 2/24/12. If you win we will add CashCoupon credit to your Eat24 account. All entrees receive a Coupon Code for a free order of hot wings. CashCoupons can only be used on orders of $15 or more. To use the CashCoupon or wings Coupon Code, you’ll need to order from a restaurant that accepts CashCoupons (chill, there’s over 15,000 of them nationwide,) and pay with a Credit Card. You also have to be an Eat24 user (duh). The wings Coupon Code can only be used once, and will be applied when your order is complete. OK, you’ve read enough. Why are you still here? Why is the sky blue? Why are hot wings always served with celery? The other vegetables are starting to get jealous.
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