Eat24 April Fools’ Joke Backfires

So… we had an idea for an April Fools’ joke: Send all our customers a receipt for an order of 24,000 egg rolls and tell them the food would arrive in 5 minutes. They’re gonna freak out, we thought.

One vault of egg rolls headed your way!

As we were high-fiving ourselves for being so clever, we decided it might also be funny to use the wrong your/you’re in the subject line. Just a little prank for all the grammar nerds out there, you know?

But no. So much no. It turns out the Internet doesn’t think grammar is a laughing matter. At all.



And by that we mean hundreds of customers emailed to let us know about the grammatical error. Because being charged for 24,000 egg rolls? No biggie. Messing up elementary school grammar? An act of war.

Of course, some were more upset than others.

Your right JKJKJK
#HomonymFail get it trending, people!
But…but… 🙁
 Lesson learned: Kittens aren’t good editors.
Lesson learned: Kittens aren’t good editors.
Guilty as charged. Current status: Calling mom to bail us out.
Guilty as charged. Current status: Calling mom to bail us out.


On the bright side, some people took the “mistake” as an opportunity to have a little fun:

Fact: is not a real email address
Fact: [email protected] is not a real email address
Wut am grammar?
Wut am grammar?
Your mom’s a coupon!
Your mom’s a coupon! (1)
We would have better grammar if pizza was always involved.

Fortunately, not everyone even noticed the grammar issue. Some people overlooked the subject line completely and focused on the real issue at hand: the fact that we said 24,000 egg rolls were coming to their house.

Step up your egg roll game. 24,000 is an appetizer.
Step up your egg roll game. 24,000 is an appetizer.
Wait…you don’t like egg rolls?!

But the best part was the guy who wrote in to thank us for making his email address relevant.

You’re welcome, Mike.
You’re welcome, Mike.

In conclusion: Please accept this apology for our terrible joke. Oh, and while we’re at it, we’d also like to apologize to grandmas and Kelsey Grammer. Because why not.

Now that we’ve gotten all our apologies out of the way, does anyone want to split 24,000 egg rolls with us?

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7 thoughts on “Eat24 April Fools’ Joke Backfires”

  1. After that giant grammatical joke, I had to point out your typo: “Let us make it up you”. Up you too! 🙂

  2. Trying to pass off an egregious grammar error as part of an April Fool’s joke, eh? Nice tactic. Had this slip up happened a week earlier, you’d be facing a Chapter 11 right now….of your grammar textbook (I hope).

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